Update: Sorry folks for not posting my day 5 post yesterday so I'll add it today including an update for today. So today I added some watermelon juice for breakfast and into the mean green I added Swiss chard, parsley, carrots, watermelon and a couple pears. I would go easy on the Swiss chard depending on how much you can handle because the flavor of the big leaves I juiced are pretty strong! The juice was still drinkable and delicious! Weighed myself today and I am at 278. I feel great today! I think I will go for a little jog. It's cold outside but I love winter and cool weather but I wish it would snow some here in Kentucky! Anyways, I think as far as weighing myself I am just going to do that every Friday. I find myself in the bathroom on the scale a couple times a day and that can get discouraging. I want to focus on getting healthy and not focus mainly on the weight loss. By the way my jeans that I haven't wore in a while are fitting with out having to bend to stretch them! As Joe Cross from "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" would say, Juice on!
Well it's the end of day five of my 60 day juice fast and let me tell you, it is definitely a journey. I'd say more mental/emotional than physical. As far as the physical day one was pretty hard near dinner. I was so hungry but I pushed through it. The second day I was really tired and a little less hungry but had more cravings and thought I was going to lose my mind! All I could think about was pizza and burgers. But then I had to realize those mental feelings were part of the detox and made me realize how addicted to food many of us are. Day three was amazing I felt more energized then normal and felt like doing jumping jacks! Day four, while I felt energized, it wasn't as much as day three but definitely felt great. Day four went about the same as day three. For day 5 I decided to due a mono juice fast with apples. Today I went shopping and went by a juice cafe called Life Bar and had a carrot, apple, and ginger. I was definitely flushed out today, if you know what I mean! So my weight started at 290 and I now weighed in at 280! So go ahead and try a juice fast. It's really good for you and will let you feel accomplished. It doesn't have to be for 60 days. Try it for at least a week and see how it makes you feel!
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